Tuesday, 19 February 2013

d.i.y.: easy gel nail polish removal

today im gonna share this simple method of removing gel nail polish.
after 19days my nails looked like this and i couldn't stand it any longer

about 2mm or more of nail growth and i got bored of the colour so i decided to remove it.

and becos i couldn't bear to part with sg$20-25 for soak off removal at the salon so i decided to do it at home myself
(read: c h e a p o. hahaha)

the main thing you need to get is special nail polish remover for gelish nails or pure acetone.
i got a bottle of harmony gelish artificial nail remover.

a 120ml bottle that can last for 4 to 5 removals.

note that this gelish artificial nail remover does contain some acetone still, just that it has other ingredients that make it not as drying as pure acetone.
but pure acetone works well too.

all in all, you will need:-

10 aluminum foil squares
10 cotton wool squares
cuticle pusher
gelish artificial nail remover or acetone

note: cut the aluminum foil generously according to your finger size.
lint free cotton wool squares are recommended but i didn't have any so i used the ones tapered at the sides.

#1 soaking of cotton wool

saturate a cotton wool square with the nail polish remover

#2 wrap nail with soaked cotton wool square

place the soaked part of the cotton wool square on your nail and wrap the remaining around your finger

#3 wrap finger with aluminum foil square

to generate heat to ease removal of the polish, wrap your finger with the aluminum foil square

place your cotton wool covered finger on the dull side of the foil facing up, fold into half as shown in the picture above and secure your finger tightly by pressing the foil around your finger

after folding in half, fold the sides inwards around your finger and seal the sides tightly till you get something like the picture above

#4 do the same for the remaining fingers

till your hand looks so glam like this *snigger*

#5 wait for 15-20mins
chillax during this time.
at this step i would indulge in my korean drama. make sure you don't tilt your fingers up so that the liquid from the wool would not seep out

#6 gently remove the foil and cotton squares

looks disgusting but this picture shows you that the gel nail polish comes out in hardened pieces/flakes

#7 remove remaining polish on nails

your nails would still have some remnant polish bits, use the cuticle pusher to gently scrape them off

note: just scrape the remnant polish off, be careful not to be over zealous and scrape your nails too hard

#8 final cleanup
you can use a buffing block to gently buff your nails now

what i did was to wash my nails thoroughly with soap to remove any remaining acetone, dry them and apply cuticle oil.

i recommend opi's avoplex cuticle oil.

the end result should be...

an edited picture with photoshopped glitters...
errr no. i mean you should have clean nails free of gel polish!

repeat the steps for the other hand.
so there you go.

it is not that hard to do but if you still find it a hassle, go to a salon and have the manicurist do it for you.

just don't scrape the gel polish off without soaking!
don't ruin your nails!


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heyy... be nais.